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Morning sickness is the nausea and vomiting some women experience early in pregnancy. It is thought to be caused by the sudden increase in hormones during pregnancy. Other changes such as neurological, metabolic, or psychosomatic factors may also play a part. Although morning sickness is more common in the morning, it may last all day. Also, morning sickness is very common in early pregnancy, but tends to diminish later in pregnancy and usually ends by the second trimester (the fourth month).
Things that may help relieve morning sickness:
- Eat saltine crackers and other bland foods with the onset of nausea
- Avoid rich, fatty foods
- Eat more carbohydrates (plain baked potato, white rice, dry toast)
- Eat small meals throughout the day so you are never too full or too hungry
- Drink plenty of fluids throughout the day
- Avoid strong scents