
Women Partners In OB/GYN San Antonio - Obstetrics

Every birth is a special event. We are delighted to be able to share this important time with our patients and their families. Our goal in providing obstetrical care is the mother’s continued good health and the delivery of a healthy, robust newborn. Knowledge and preparation are essential to your understanding and enjoyment of your pregnancy, so we make every effort to keep the patient informed and answer all questions.

Women Partners in OB/GYN provides complete obstetrical care that includes prenatal visits, the delivery and a post-partum evaluation.

Additional obstetrical services we provide are:
  • Abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound
  • Fetal heart monitoring
  • Non-stress tests
  • Management of high risk pregnancies

Pregnant patients should schedule their first office visit when they are 6-8 weeks pregnant.

First Trimester (conception to 14 weeks)

Initial Appointment – At your first obstetrics appointment, you will have a complete history and physical examination to including a review of your past medical, surgical and family history and a physical exam to include a culture for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea and Pap Smear (if indicated).

You will also undergo the following lab work:
  • CBC, Blood Type and Rh Factor
  • Antibody Screen
  • Hepatitis Testing
  • Syphillis Testing
  • Optional Testing in the first trimester also includes Hepatitis, HIV and Ultrascreen.
 Finally, you will undergo a vaginal ultrasound to help accurately confirm the due date and viability of the pregnancy.

At the first visit you will receive a packet of information about our hospital, North Central Baptist Hospital, a list of medications that are safe to take while pregnant (list of medications) and prenatal vitamins samples.We recommend a daily prenatal vitamin with at least 0.4mg of Folic Acid. Folic acid helps decrease the chances of neural tube defects.

Appointments occur once per month during the first trimester.

Second Trimester (14 weeks to 28 weeks)

During your second trimester visits, you and your provider will review your blood pressure, weight gain and urinalysis results as well as any previously obtained lab results. We will listen to the fetal heart tones and measure your fundal height (after 20 weeks).

Between 18-20 weeks a detailed ultrasound to evaluate the fetal anatomy is performed. A diabetes screening test and repeat CBC to evaluate for anemiaare also performed between 24-28 weeks

Optional testing that can be done includes:
  • Alpha Fetoprotein Test – A maternal lab test to determine the risk of having a baby with a neural tube defect.

Appointments occur once per month during the second trimester.

Third Trimester (28 weeks until delivery)

During the third trimester visits, we will continue the monitoring started in the second trimester to evaluate fetal growth and we will help you prepare for the delivery.

Between 35-36 weeks, we will perform a vaginal/rectal culture for Group B Strep, a common vaginal bacteria. If positive the test is positive, antibiotics will be given during labor to help prevent neonatalinfection (sepsis or pneumonia).

Appointments occur once every 1-2 weeks during the third trimester.

Post-Partum Care (4 weeks after delivery)

At the post-partum visit, you will have an opportunity to talk with your provider to discuss contraception. We will also discuss screening and treatment for postpartum depression. Patients who have had a C-section will have an evaluation of the abdominal incision.


Optional testing beginning anytime during the first trimester up to one week prior to delivery:
  • Panorama Genetic TestingClick here to learn more.

Portal Payment Information

Payments made in the portal may take up to 10 days to post to your account.  When possible, payments should be made via the payment link emailed to you to post immediately to your account.

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