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- 16Mar2018
- Mar 16, 2018
Schedule your Well-Woman Visit every year
All women, no matter age or health condition, need to schedule a well-woman visit at least once a year. At this visit your provider gives you a physical exam and checks your overall health. You can also discuss other services right for you.

The American College of OB/GYN recommends that sexually active females and all females over the age of 18 have a well woman exam each year. Yearly pelvic exams are important in monitoring your gynecologic health and screening for infection, inflammation or other abnormal cells that may indicate disease.
During the exam, the doctor will examine your breasts and pelvic organs for any abnormalities or changes. The Pap smear consists of removing some tissue from the cervix for the pathologist to examine. An annual exam is one of the most important steps you can take in preventing disorders of the pelvic organs including cervical and ovarian cancer.
To read more about the importance of the annual visit, please visit The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.